Monday, July 10, 2006

AD - Mustang, OK

Wow. I never knew that sleep could be so wonderful. I was an unmoving lump from 9:30-7:30. God has answered your prayers for strength; we walked for 4.5 hours around our area and prayed over the land and the hearts and circumstances of the people here. Some specifics: saw a 68 year old using the rings like on men's olympics. I tried them but literally fell flat on my back, ouch; prayed over the basketball courts here. Prayed over the ping pong tables, prayed over the "youth building" where tons of bored teens hang out, prayed over some steps where people frequently sit, prayed for God to intervene with the language barrier, prayed for God to literally work a miracle here at the area, prayed for unity among all the people working here. Please pray for those specific things, because these are where we feel God is going to move this week.