Wednesday, July 12, 2006

AD - Mustang, OK

Today we moved to the third "season" which is reaping (aka evangelism). The people I invited to the BBQ today didn't come, but we had a good turn out and were able to have some good conversations. We ate some mystery meat; I ate and THEN asked what it was. Chicken hearts. Gut. Talked with a dude about holidays here in Germany. After he said how they celebrate them here, I told him how I do and why. I told him about Christmas/Jesus and Easter/ the cross and resurrection. Then he "had to go". So please pray for him and the seed that was planted. I played basketball with a man named Marcel. Matt and Marcus spoke with him about spiritual things. We traded email addressed and we plan to talk about stuff and I will address spiritual matters with him. He wants pictures of Oklahoma. Please pray that the hearts we have prayed for will ripen for harvest either this week or when the next group comes. mmm...I just ate more chicken heart.